LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center

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Idee und Potenzial

We are on a mission to change the way of working with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our success factors are scalable E2E products and not 'just' AI but 'meaningful' AI solutions. Our goal is to establish a new standard of SaaS solutions for driving business performance, we want to build 'the instagram' of business - for fast and data driven decisions.We have a holistic approach of transforming data into insights. Our digital ai products are beautifully designed and easy to integrate and will accelerate the digital journeys of companies. Our very first app integrates all data of a company in a cloud based data powerhouse and delivers real-time personalized business insights across all functions from development to finance to production - powered by AI. Our E2E development approach ensures scalability of our products. We are applying cutting edge technologies from back-end to AI/ML and front-end. One of our biggest passion is innovation, which will push us to not only permanently improve ourselves, but also to find new solutions. In our labs environment we scout for the next big innovation to empower business with meaningful AI!

Mensch Icon GründerInnen

Bianca Anghelina

Sara Bisbe

Chris Sawyer

Welt Icon Webauftritt & Kontakt 


