LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center

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LMU IEC Podcast: Innovating Our Minds

The LMU IEC Podcast "Innovating Our Minds" is about innovative solutions for real-life problems and the fascinating ideas and excellent minds behind them. In each episode Ana Cancar (LMU IEC Research & Teaching Operations Manager) will highlight one innovation related topic and discuss it with scientists, entrepreneurs, innovators, and experts.
She is thrilled to discover the secrets behind innovation and even more, to find out what it takes to be an innovator. Ana keeps you updated about latest trends in innovation & entrepreneurship. Further, she wants to inspire you to discover your own innovative power and how you can make use of it in order to create value for society.

Now it`s your turn! Tell us how you liked the podcast episodes and which innovation-related topics you would like to hear more about. Which questions about innovation & entrepreneurship are on your mind and which innovators you would like to hear from in the podcast?
Write us an e-mail with your feedback, questions and suggestions: iec@bwl.lmu.de



  • Podcastfolge #1

    "Wie wir die Innovationskompetenzen von morgen schon heute entwickeln" - Podcastfolge mit Dr. Marina Kinschel (Siemens AG) & Ana Cancar (LMU IEC) more